"With the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day."
“Those who are too young to understand the consequences of their choices are considered innocent.”
This article Is going to reveal a dark side of this world. Be aware that such evil exists in the world. Do not read any further if you have troubles processing the horrible truth. This information is not necessary to grow in spiritual maturity, but can help opening both eyes to see the evil that is around us. You can also watch this movie, in order to get insight in one of the biggest problems this world faces. Remember, children are most precious to God, to abuse, control and trafficking children, is one of the most horrible things you can do!
Child Trafficking
It is estimated nearly 2 million children (Probably a lot more) across the globe are involved in sex trafficking. It’s a lucrative business. According to the FBI, sex trafficking is one of the largest and fastest growing criminal enterprise. I know it’s a dark subject, but it’s our duty to shed light on the darkness of human trafficking.
Human trafficking, which is also referred to as modern-day slavery, takes on another form besides child-sex trafficking. Overall, it is estimated that 20 million people-and quite possible many more – worldwide, are caught up in some form of modern slavery.
“it’s an enormous problem… Billions of dollars go into selling people.”
Its hidden, it’s so hidden. Especially the part we focus on – the 2 million-plus children being trafficked and sexually abused. It’s such a hidden thing because it’s hideous to most of decent society. To find it, even law enforcement has to go digging.
800,000 children a year in the United States go missing, many of them being sexually trafficked through pedophilia networks where the children suffer unimaginable horrors such as Satanic ritual abuse.
This number is comprised of documented cases of children gone missing, and does not include children who are born and bred into pedophilia networks and have no birth certificates, or undocumented immigrant children who come across the borders.
Worldwide, the number is close to 8 million children missing whereof we know, 2 million being sexually trafficked. Such is the scope of the problem that was reported earlier this year (2018) in Westminster, London by The International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), as the court convened over a 3-day period to launch their Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. The Judicial Commission is comprised of world leaders who have been involved in fighting child sex trafficking for years, and includes intelligence officers, politicians, legal scholars, and many others. (Website: https://commission.itnj.org)
The International Tribunal was formed because most of the world's government bodies today have been corrupted and no longer represent the people, but instead serve the interest of private corporations, and as such, justice is seldom found in most government judicial courts around the world today to stop such a heinous crime as child sex trafficking. In fact, the child sex trafficking network today is actually facilitated by the rich and powerful, whose influence reaches into the political and judicial branches of society.
Child torture, child murder, and child organ harvesting are an 'accepted' practice at,
- the highest levels of government
- the NGO
- the multinational corporate sector,
...as well as throughout academic institutions and civil society. This scourge persists because it is allowed to exist by the complicit authorities.
Luke 17:2 - It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
World largest pedophile ring (you don't know what you're getting into)
A lot of the elites are involved in this massive scheme. If you are not familiar with these allegations, you should and must look into pizza gate. People dismiss it because it seems too crazy to be true and I can totally see why. But when you start going down that rabbit hole, there is some very strong evidence, about what is truly going on in the shadows. Especially when you start looking into pizza gate in combination with the WikiLeaks emails.
Keep in mind that there has been a very large-scale scandal that broke in the UK via Australian news that shows a high-level pedophile ring in the government circles. Follow the money and you will find disturbing evidence of the world behind the scenes. Also notice how this information is completely brushed under the rug. Twitter and all the other media sources are censoring this, but why?...
There is a serious child abuse problem amongst high level officials. Don’t be surprised if the leaders you trust are part of this massive pedophile ring. Children are being sexually exploited and are kept on mansions on very exclusive areas and being pimped by rich people like they are a commodity. Don’t be deceived by your fear of the truth. The truth is so ugly, that its being suppressed. They deny what is right in front of your face. Remember, the truth might be stranger than fiction…
Watch this and this video to get started with your research. Wake up!!! Nothing is as it seems, start thinking for yourselves and stop listening to what the media, politics, social platforms and education tell you. Once you start waking up, you will see through all the lies and deceiving.
Adrenochrome represents a mystical psychedelic favored by the global elites for drug-crazed satanic rites, is derived from torturing children to harvest their oxidized hormonal fear. It’s the drug of the elites. It is their favorite drug. It is beyond evil. It is demonic. It is so sick. It is said, the chemical is best harvested when the individual is in severe pain and in a state of total distress. On the verge of death...
these horrific acts have been embraced by QAnon and Pizzagate and many other conspiracy movements, including key people affiliated with the recent hit movie "The Sound of Freedom".
It may sound absurd and far from reality, but it's not about what you believe, It's what they believe. Rituals like these go far back in history, back to the times of Mozes and even further back.
When you research the history of the occult and the rituals they had, it will be much clearer that these practices are still used to this day. Follow the bloodline of the illuminati and the connections between the secret societies. History may not be as presented to you...
This is just one of the thousand horrific acts that take place behind the scenes. For more information about this subject, you have to do the research on you own, because I cannot share this kind of information here. Some things are really well hidden, but can be found. Be warned, this part of the rabbit hole can be very disturbing and confronting. There is a lot of evil in this world, but everything will fall in place once you see the bigger picture. I promise...
Don't lose hope
Waking up can be very mental and confronting. Seek comfort by The Lord, for He oversees everything. Never lose hope and strengthen your relationship with God. I know there is a lot of evil and even more will reveal itself in the coming years and even months. Be prepared for the worst, for the bible itself has foreshadowed the exposure of evil. God will allow evil to pursue its horrific ideology, but He also gives us hope. In the end, evil will pay, and we will be free from a world full of sins. Don’t start the fight on your own, instead put on the armor of God. Get ready for the final battle, not fought with physical strength but with the mind. For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
This image shows only 6 of the armor pieces, but there is actually a seventh. 18 and pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and request. This is the seventh piece of the armor. interestingly God never did a thing six times, this only belongs to the Devil. In order to put on the armor, it is of great value to Honor the seventh piece, "When Paul talks about spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6, prayer is the seventh piece of armor. It activates all of the rest of the spiritual armor," he said.