Banking Wars


Once one understands that governments are structured to control the people, all becomes much clearer.


For example, why governments always act in the interest of,


...with associated organizations and personnel, but ominously never in the interest of the public.


With the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. 2001, the power elite started with great speed the process of integrating Humanity into the New World Order. Not only in America and Europe but worldwide, while democratic rights silently were abolished. Anyone who has studied the EU's decision-making procedures will discover that these are far from being democratic, the EU has evolved into an EU-Politburo.


The world has become an insane asylum but society is too asleep to notice the insanity. Just as insane dreams are never questioned, people do not even question their insane lives.
The implications of mass sleepwalking are obvious: with billions of people asleep the Deep State has the advantage. As, these people are easily controlled. Their conscious soul exists within a mental prison, harnessed for time, labor, and energy. Those people have little or no freewill because they have abandoned consciousness. They keep acting like sheep, and never will break away from the madness.




The wealthiest families of this planet exercise a powerful, profound and clandestine control over global politics. This control began in Europe and has its continuity to be traced back to the time when the bankers discovered, that it was more profitable to give loans to governments than to needy individuals. These banking families and their subservient beneficiaries have come to own most major businesses in this world, which they have secretly and increasingly organized themselves as controllers of governments and worldwide arbiters of war and peace...

Begin with a look at today's world: it is tempting to see who and what the dark society really is and now is falling apart. Since 2021, we are in this transition process. As humanity moves into higher consciousness, and now there is more positive energy than negative on planet Earth. For centuries, we have functioned out of an old, negative consciousness of war, violence, cruelty, and the need for power. This, now is changing. The Messiah is coming back and our collective consciousness is getter more and more aware, that we're at the edge of an evolution.


Change may seem slow, but it is certain that humanity is shifting towards a higher frequency!

In the past,


people rebelled against rule by royal dictatorship and demanded a say in who ran the country... The bloodlines began the process of replacing the overt royal dictatorships with one that had the appearance of freedom while being business as usual. Tyranny was replaced with the much more effective tyranny that one cannot see, or most people don't see.


It is the system of Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. In today's world, free trade and the centralization of gold and other precious metals is viewed outwardly as a positive concept:

In an increasingly global society, the free and open exchange of goods strengthens the world economy. Adequate structure is vital for control of the many by the few. The formation of political parties produced the structure through which members of parliaments, and those at other levels of government - local and state - can be controlled. Instead of having to force their will upon hundreds of individuals, all they have to do is force it upon those who control the parties and they, in turn, will enforce it upon their members.






Short story

  • All wars can be traced back to the private central bankers. American soldiers have fought and died in wars initiated for no other purpose than to force private central banking on nations that didn't want them

  • Central banks make money out of thin air by lending money at interest, and in the process, they drain a nation of its wealth

  • The American Revolution was instigated by the King George III Currency Act, which forced the North American colonists to conduct business using Bank of England banknotes borrowed at interest

  • The agenda of the central bankers is a simple one: It's to rob people of their wealth and enslave them to this predatory system

  • As long as private central banks are allowed to exist, there will be poverty and endless wars. The path to world peace lies in the abolishment of all private central banking everywhere, and a return to state-issued, value-based currencies that allow nations and people to become prosperous through their own labor and development and efforts