
"With the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day."

What you are is God's gift, what you become is your gift to God




If you have found yourself reading this article, chances are that you’ve been a spiritual seeker for a while. You may have had moments in your life exploring different paths and a variety of practices. But at some point, you might wonder whether you are getting closer or further away from spiritual maturity. The experience of embodying the qualities of compassion, wisdom and discernment. When a person is spiritually mature, they have moved from a self-centered way of living life to another-centered way of approaching life.


At one point we’ve all caught ourselves thinking about life. Why am I here and what is my purpose? Why is there so much pain in the world and has it always been like this? What happens when I die, does it stop there or is there more to life? Could there be something more under all those layers of taught wisdom. Do I believe what I have been told all my life, or do I start thinking for myself and start searching for the answers that will relieve me from that empty void inside. It’s no coincidence that when you start realizing everyone has always been trying to explain the secrets of life, seeking for the truth, the outcome is always the same. But to understand the answer of life, you must forget the explanation, for it is an indescribable answer.


But the truth is, you can get answers on those questions…

The journey


 It all starts with being honest to yourself. Don’t rely on your ego for it will only deceive your own mind. Everyone is a prisoner of his own mind, until you decide to do something about it. The answer is in plain sight. When the world is being destroyed within the hour you are reading this, the choice of prioritizing what is important and what not, becomes much easier. You will seek the ones you love and spend the last hour with those who are closest to you. It eliminates all the other priorities. An expensive car, a high paid job, looks, money, others opinion, your legacy on earth. Nothing, literally nothing will make sense anymore. The only thing that keeps standing is love.


Let’s be honest, when everything falls apart, the only thing that remains is the true meaning of love. Without love there is nothing to live for, because it out rules every other aspect of life, as I just mentioned. But the ego is fighting against this powerful feeling, because it makes you vulnerable. And in the world today you are being pushed to be something you cannot be. Incredibly high expectations, false ideologies, social bars, everything keeps you from the one thing life is all about. Love


When you understand the above, you have been closer to the answer than ever before. For love can’t be explained but needs to be experienced. Now you understand that all the answers lay within yourselves. And when you keep searching for an explanation that is not there, it will only boost your ego, for it will distract you from what it’s all about. 


You cannot trust on your own understanding, for it Is above your comprehension. Accept that there are things that cannot be explained. But there is a way to fill the empty void inside you. There is a way to find the meaning of life and live a life without doubts, without insecurity and especially without an empty feeling and the urge to find answers, for you have found the meaning of life. It will break all the chains of addiction, it’ll break the chains of guilt, and your mind will be free.


When you can acknowledge that love is the only thing remaining, you can ask yourselves, so now what? What does this mean for me? I can’t keep fighting every day to maintain this feeling, for I will be exposed to hate, shame, stress and questions. But the beauty of love is that it will devour this negative energy. When you start to see the power of love, it will start taking over your life, your fears, your doubts, your negative energy, your hurt feelings and everything that stands in the way of pursuing life itself. Then you are starting to live life according to how it is supposed to be. From service to self, to service to others, to service to life.


When you look at the equivalence of love you see that only the God of the bible has the qualities to fit the requirements of love. I’m telling you, it is that simple. Don’t rely on your own understanding, don’t believe what you have been taught for so many years, because deep down you are only lying to yourself and you know it. You will never find the answer to fill the void if you’re not willing to accept love. Love yourself, love your neighbors, love everybody as yourself and you will see the truth, I promise you! Nothing will be the same for you have found true peace and meaning and are no longer a slave to your ego mind. Only then will you begin to grow and seek more, because nothing is more powerful than that feeling we all know but can’t explain. And when you realize that, you will never have to search anymore in your life. God is love, and without God you will always be lost.


Take care, embrace love and have the journey of your life, I promise...